Thursday, October 22, 2009

Consulting for hate

Political consultants operate under a code of ethics that supposedly prevents them from attacking people on the basis of race or religion. Not, apparently, sexual orientation. This Huffpo article from a few months ago explains how a political consultant for the "Yes on H8" campaign picked up a slew of awards from his professional association. Hate sells:
Political consultants will do almost anything to win. So it was a little surprising to see that their professional association - the American Association of Political Consultants - has a significant and no doubt well-intentioned code of ethics.

Imagine if their members actually adhered to it. Better yet, imagine for a moment what political campaigns might have been like if that code of ethics included no bashing based on sexual orientation and gender identity....

These questions about ethics surfaced after AAPC held their annual "Pollie Awards" on March 29. They're considered that industry's Academy Awards, given in the categories of Campaigns, Public Affairs and Issues and Referenda.

....The Yes on Proposition 8 campaign won a slew of awards, including the "gold" for TV Radio Campaign (produced by Schubert/Flint Public Affairs), the "silver" for Best Fundraising, and "bronze" for the robocall using Barack Obama's voice ....

Yes on 8 Campaign Manager and AAPC board member Frank Schubert accepted the gold award but was apparently not well-received. ....."He detected the chilly reception and acknowledged that many people disagreed with him. But then he said, 'However, I represent those who read the Bible and believe in God.' Some people found that incredibly offensive. At one point, some people were hissing."

Hissing, no doubt, because people of faith supported the No on Prop 8 campaign as well,....

What is ethical about knowingly disseminating false and inaccurate information in order to win a campaign?
Imagine how political campaigns might change if the professional association to which most of them belonged decided to ban gay-bashing as a matter of ethics?

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