Tuesday, January 19, 2010

LA Times Op/Ed: It's none of your business!

The LA TImes nails it:
...Same-sex couples shouldn't have to prove that their marriages would be as "normal" as those of heterosexuals or meet some kind of artificial bar....

This strikes at the heart of what's wrong with denying marital status to gay and lesbian couples. Somehow, society -- and in this case, a federal judge -- are being put in the position of deciding whether these unions are "good enough" to earn the legal and social status of marriage. We don't judge these issues for heterosexual marriages.
The public as a whole might not look favorably on all.... marriages, but it does not try to deny others the right to form such unions. It's gay and lesbian couples who are singled out for this. Only in a hearing on same-sex marriage would we hear arguments judging whether a relationship between two adults is loving and committed enough to gain legal and social standing -- evidence on its own that homosexuals, who have long faced unreasoned hatred and abuse in many forms, are being singled out for the withholding of this basic societal right.

Read the whole thing!

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