Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Support for equality in California growing among republicans

From the Capitol Hill Weekly, which focuses on California Politics:
Public opinion on same-sex marriage in California has flipped faster than many people thought it would. According to data from the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC), the change was largely driven by Republicans and independent voters.

The opinions of people over 35 have barely budged on the issue, but support for same-sex marriage has surged among younger voters. Young voters, however, traditionally show a poor turnout – unlike older voters, who often vote in proportionally higher numbers.

Isn't it sad, then, that we aren't trying to reverse Prop8 at the ballot box, and are relying on the far riskier courts in a time of excessive polarization and a hideously conservative SCOTUS.

I graphed the numbers which makes it more obvious.

1 comment:

JCF said...

Isn't it sad, then, that we aren't trying to reverse Prop8 at the ballot box, and are relying on the far riskier courts in a time of excessive polarization and a hideously conservative SCOTUS.

I agree---when and IF the conditions are favorable---but what do you say to those LGBTs (see re many at Joe.My.God., among other places) who say that, pro or con, civil rights should NEVER be put up for a vote?