Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The march of equality continues: MD and WA update

A bill for marriage in Maryland is set for a Senate Hearing:
The marriage equality bill will receive a hearing Tuesday afternoon in the Senate Judicial Proceedings committee, with speakers including Governor Martin O’Malley, who is pushing for the legislation this session....

Even if the bill passes both houses of the Democratic-controlled legislature during the 90-day session, there is a strong possibility the measure could be challenged in a referendum this November.
And in Washington, much the same:
Washington state senator Ed Murray, lead sponsor of a bill to legalize marriage rights for same-sex couples in the state, believes that the senate is poised for a Wednesday floor vote on the matter, the openly gay legislator told the Seattle Times. Gov. Chris Gregoire has pledged to sign the legislation into law....

NOM, meanwhile, has also pledged to back a referendum on marriage in the November elections.

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