Monday, July 23, 2012

The courage to speak for marriage

Candace Chellew-Hodge does a great job on the new  meme, that the opponents of equality are somehow the victims:
They believe it takes courage to "speak out for marriage" ... heterosexual-only marriage, that is ... because people might disagree with them. Yep, that's the extent of the courage you need to speak for heterosexual-only marriage—someone, somewhere, might hold a different opinion and have the temerity to speak it. .... 
Amazingly, marriage equality opponents now see themselves as the victims, catching the vapors when anyone dares to question their views. Here's the news, NOM: You are not the victim, and what you're doing may take a lot of nerve, but it takes practically zero courage. .... 
There is no courage, and no honor, in keeping other people from enjoying the same rights you have. That only takes fear and cowardice.


JCF said...


IT, Did you know that the USA's first woman in space, Dr Sally Ride, was (presumably) a lesbian, partnered w/ a woman for *27 years*? Don't know how I missed that.

May she rest in peace. [Effing cancer!]

IT said...

You missed it because it wasn't widely known. I only found out this summer because of a friend-of-a-friend. I wish she had come out in life, but I'm glad that we know now.