Monday, February 3, 2014

Anti-gay laws in some US states are as bad as Russia's? Not quite, but still bad.

We're all upset over the blatantly homophobic laws in Russia that make being an out gay person almost a crime.  Russia forbids "promotion" of homosexuality, which is interpreted as essentially any mention of this being a normal human variant.  Simply holding a rainbow flag is a crime. Ostensibly this is to protect the children.

But did you know that some US states are also oppressive in how they instruct children?  They either forbid mention of gay sexuality altogether, or require anti-gay instruction.  Obviously this isn't in the same league as the violence in Russia, but it's disheartening.

From Think Progress:
Back in the United States, nine states impose limitations on how educators can talk about homosexuality in ways that mirror Russia’s law.
The state by state list includes the fact that Texas state policy on sex education actually states that homosexual relations are criminal.  Even though the Supreme Court, in Lawrence v. Texas, overturned their law and decriminalized gay sex.

But Texas apparently has a flimsy relationship with the facts.

Here's the graphic.

Update:  Aravosis  calls the language to task
That’s not to suggest that the anti-gay laws in the states are “good,” by any means. But there’s something to be said for proportionality. During the 1980s, the US (as it does today) most certainly had a problem with racism. As did South Africa. But to suggest that the US, and the world, should not have spoken out about the evils of apartheid, since the US still suffered from racism itself, is not only absurd, it’s also incredibly counterproductive to the cause of human rights.... 
Gays in America are getting married, while gays in Russia are getting beaten. Gays in America serve openly in Congress, the judiciary, and the highest levels of government. In Russia, they most certainly do not.

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