Monday, October 12, 2009

Gay marriage in the polls

Nate Silver is a genious pollster. Well, not so much that, but he certainly knows how to evaluate data and extract meaning and was more on track for the recent presidential election than anyone. His site,, is essential to keep up on polling data.

Silver recently reported that Gay Marriage is losing some of its "oomph" as a conservative talking point, in the wake o the conservative love-fest called the Values Voter summit. The big issues for these people is abortion, then religious liberty. Gay marriage is down around 7%. Silver comments,
These are not the tea-partiers, who have a libertarian bent. This is a forum, rather, sponsored by the Family Research Council, an organization which continues to insist that homosexuality is curable and to link it to pedophilia. But the actual attendees at the forum -- religious conservative activists from around the country -- just don't seem to be all that riled up about the prospect of two men getting married.

This is not to suggest that these voters have become pro-gay marriage.....But the last time this poll was conducted, in October 2007, gay marriage was the top choice of 20 percent of the attendees. That's quite a decline, particularly given that gay marriage has been more in the news than abortion for the past couple of years.

Public opinion is moving toward acceptance of gay marriage. But it is doing so very slowly, at a rate of perhaps a point or two per year, and has at least a few years to go before it is the majority opinion. In the near term, the more relevant dimension may be 'passion', or depth of feeling. It used to be that the conservatives were ahead on passion -- they were strongly opposed to gay marriage, whereas liberals were, at best, lukewarmly in favor of it. Increasingly, that dynamic seems to be reversing.
Something mildly encouraging, maybe.

1 comment:

Fr. Marty Kurylowicz said...

Children Are Harmed By Those who are Opposed to Marriage Equality.

There is an important factor for supporting and promoting Marriage Equality.

People forget or never think about the harm that they cause to children who grow up gay by opposing Marriage Equality.

Being a priest and psychologist, I know the kind of serious harm that
is caused to children who grow up gay by those who oppose Marriage Equality. “Kids are being hurt!!!” There is plenty of research data that makes that supports this statement. I have been an advocate for children who grow up gay for their protection from antigay statements.

Benedict XVI's continual ordering the hierarchy in a united effort to oppose Marriage Equality is proof that they have not even considered the harm to children and have ignored the overabundance amount of research data. The harm that is done to children is tremendous. It cuts deeply at the very core of child's ability to bond/attach to another or other human beings for life. However, in the meantime how many millions of innocent children will continue to be abused in this way because of their criminal neglect of their responsibility. Everyone is responsible to thoroughly study and learn the facts and research data about human sexuality for the safety and well-being of children. There is a lot more to learn than the outdated, inaccurate and whimsical ideas of "the birds and the bees," a child's life depends on our being responsible in this regard.

The U.S. Bishops are currently individually reviewing the draft of a pastoral letter -- "Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine Plan" --which they will formally consider at their Nov. 16-19 national meeting [2009]. With all due respect this pastoral letter will become their most vivid indictment against them and Benedict XVI exposing their irresponsible leadership at the expensive of millions of innocent children, globally.