Friday, July 1, 2011

Back to the ballot in Maine?

Last year, in a heartbreaker, a referendum on Marriage Equality (Question 1) in Maine overturned the legislature's bill that provided for marriage equality, and enshrined discrimination, using the same vicious lies that worked in CA. But now, emboldened by New York, Equality Maine is thinking of going back to the ballot.
Today, EqualityMaine will launch a campaign to gather signatures to place marriage equality on the ballot in November 2012.

They will face much work and a long campaign to legalize same-sex marriage here....

As a new campaign begins, we can expect to see a well-funded and committed opposition, determined to repeat their success of the past.

And we can expect to hear the same sort of lies and distortions about same-sex marriage that were peddled before.

But I am hopeful that this time, Mainers will make a different choice and that they will hear the stories of their neighbors and realize that discrimination is wrong no matter how it is rationalized.

1 comment:

JCF said...

FWIW, numbers-cruncher extraordinaire Nate Silver says that if SSM were on the California ballot now, it would be upheld (and in Oregon, even moreso).