Like a number of other gay bloggers, in the aftermath of the Supreme Court decision, I
think this is a natural time to bring this particular blog to a close.
I started this blog in the wake of Prop 8, first as a way to tell the stories of those of us who had married, and then to chronicle our battles.
First the California Supreme Court.
Then the case from AFER, Perry.
Judge Walker and the federal district court, the 9th circuit, and SCOTUS.
And looking beyond California to other states. The court battles and legislative fights, until the logjam broke and we started winning elections. Then the Windsor case and the flood of other cases in different states. And other countries.
I followed the steady rise in support in the polls, until today almost 60% of Americans support marriage equality. I presented graphs and statistics.
I discussed politics and policy, identifying hypocrites and bad science.
And I made a particular point of highlighting support from people of faith, in a series called Voice of Faith. Because despite what the media narrative is, "Christian" does not equal anti-gay. Heck, the Episcopal Church just voted to change its canons and formally eliminate differences between same sex and opposite sex marriage liturgies! But I didn't hesitate to highlight the malign effects of religion as well.
Finally, of course, I have been running Videos on Sunday and other days.
The blog will stay here as a resource.
Up at the top of the page, there are tabs for permanent pages including pages about genetics and orientation, and in particular, the Prop8 timeline and theological resources to fight those religious bullies.
There's a slew of other labels on the right sidebar that you can use to find other posts.
I may be back, because we haven't finished yet. We won this particular battle, but there is a long way to go, until being gay finally becomes just a fact, like being left-handed or having red hair. And there's a lot of anger from the opposition, which is casting our rights as an assault on religious freedom.
So you may hear from me yet. But till then, please explore what's here and celebrate the journey.
Happy trails!
***Thank you***, IT. As analysts have noted again and again the past couple weeks, SCOTUS majorities don't originate in a vacuum. They result from "an idea whose time has come" among The People (writ large). You, IT, are a mover&shaker among the people---arising from the blog, but moreso, just from you& your Beloved WIFE being Gay Married Californians.
But this isn't Good-Bye. It's Commencement. Kudos & Congrats, and onto still GREATER things. "La Lucha Continua"...and BLESS!
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