Thursday, September 1, 2011

"Faith-based" federal money attacked marriage equality in Iowa

This is a sterling example of why there needs to be a bright line between the government, church, and politics.

From the AP via (H/T GoodAsYou)

Federal grant money awarded to a social conservative group to provide marriage counseling also helped pay some of its operational expenses while it was leading an anti-gay marriage campaign, according to grant documents obtained by the Associated Press under the Freedom of Information Act.

The $2.2 million received by the Iowa Family Policy Center between 2006 and 2010 helped hundreds of Iowans receive education and counseling, according to the documents. But it also paid for part of the salaries of five employees, rent, telephone, Internet and other expenses while the group was fighting legalized gay marriage in Iowa.

A University of Iowa researcher who was a consultant on the grant also told AP the group declined to provide same-sex couples education and counseling with the money.

1 comment:

JCF said...

Sue and get the damn money back! Argh!!! >:-(